We execute poster campaigns that deliver results!
Our network of various advertising media reaches both large cities and smaller towns. The media carriers are tailored to the preferences of the target groups as well as to the nature of the event and the area, which provides tangible benefits. We are not afraid of difficult challenges and are willing to answer any questions trying to clarify even the most demanding projects. Customer satisfaction is our priority!
We organize poster campaigns in advertising spots, both free and paid for, as well as in locations designated by the customer. We also provide advice and consultation on the best places and ways to promote the events based on your requirements and preference.
Gwarantujemy wysoką jakość świadczonych przez nas usług, o czym świadczy rzesza zadowolonych klientów. Przed każdą kampanią szczegółowo rozpatrujemy możliwości dotyczące wielkości oraz ilości plakatów, jakie mogą być eksponowane w wybranych przez Was miejscowościach dostosowując koncepcję do potrzeb skutecznej promocji.
Our enterprise is characterized by professionalism and honesty toward customers, in which effect we only put up posters in legal places, so the good customers name is not tarnished. We prepare detailed reports on ongoing campaigns and deliver photographic documentation. We provide competitive prices and solid effects of any taken action.