About us

We specialize in providing complex services in hosting mass events and preparing professional advertising campaigns of an outdoor nature. We assure to provide specialized technical assistance in organizing a wide variety of musical events and concerts both outdoors and indoors.

We are a rapidly growing company, which through many years of experience, skilled personnel structure and the complete implementation of all projects meets the expectations of even the most demanding customers.

Zajmujemy się obsługą techniczną wszelkich wydarzeń ze szczególnym naciskiem na:

  • stage assembly and disasembly
  • hardware support, sound, lighting and its installation and transport
  • wiring,
  • professionalism in working at heights,
  • ticket and participation mark control,
  • possibility of hiring promo models,
  • extensive information systems during events (maintaining information points)
  • directing traffic at the event and its near vicinity,
  • managing waste segregation points and arranging cleaning crews.

Why choose us?

Jako jedna z niewielu firm na rynku ponosimy pełną odpowiedzialność za powierzone nam zadania związane z organizacją wydarzeń od strony technicznej i personalnej. Nasi pracownicy są starannie wyselekcjonowaną i sprawdzoną ekipą, która zawsze jest na czas i jest w pełni dyspozycyjna. Zapewniamy także personel rezerwowy, tak by wbrew wszelkim nieoczekiwanym zawrotom losu Was nie zawieść. Na życzenie klienta

As one of the few companies in the market we accept full technical and personnel responsibility related to event organization. Our staff is a carefully selected and proven team, which is always on time and fully available. We are also always able to provide backup personnel in order to face any unexpected contingency, so as to never let you down. On request, we provide employees with equipment and tools required to further increase efficiency and safety of their work.

We invite you to have a look at our references.

We also handle outdoor advertisement, so we can fully face the complex organization of events and shows.

We encourage you to visit these sites:

